曾經特稿介紹的美國南方白人靈嗓Marc Broussard、讓人想起Sade跟Sweetback律動滋味的Bain、獻唱電影《格雷的五十道陰影:束縛》插曲的TOULOUSE,以及躋身加拿大選秀節目《The Voice》四強的Dominique Fils-Aimé,四人作品是必聽重點。
1. Geneva White - So Good to You 被《赫芬頓郵報》譽為Joss Stone混搭Lorde的女聲
2. Palta & the mood - Hurricane Ballad 阿根廷放克七人組合
3. Mirenda - Go
4. Marc Broussard - Memory of You
5. Noise Downstairs - Outrageous Pt.2 以Waylen Roche為首的紐約新興樂隊
6. Demi Nova - The Way It Feels ft. Julian Carrington
7. Emma Joy - Hustler
8. Bain - Love Safe
9. Macy Todd - In Like With You 俏皮亮麗卻擁有驚人唱功的亞特蘭大美眉
10. Tatum Jackson - Ain't for Me
11. Albert Fakdawer - CTPS 不容小覷的印尼雅加達好手
12. Grizzly - Tomorrow
13. Kriswontwo - Day of the Sun ft. Mo Jcksn
14. Reagan James - Better Than This
15. Ll e o h - Go Easy 哥本哈根新秀初試啼聲
16. Tau Benah - G.G.Y.
17. BAER - What Does It Matter 柏克萊音樂學院出身的寶島女孩Sabrina Chang
18. Ban:jax - Nonsense ft. Chaeyy
19. Sami Stevens - Pentagonal Penthouse ft. KG,B
20. George Young - Greatfall
21. Renee Dion - Anatomy
22. Porcelan - The Real Thing Don't Change
23. TOULOUSE - Found
24. Dominique Fils-Aimé - Rise
25. Moods - Truth ft. Beau Nox
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