【專訪】迷人的低沉美嗓:Sarah Cheng-De Winne 鄭雪梅 | URBAN UNION 節奏藍調在台同鄉會

【專訪】迷人的低沉美嗓:Sarah Cheng-De Winne 鄭雪梅

美國國際獨立音樂獎(The Independent Music Awards,IMAs)一向貴為全球音樂人齊聚角逐的重點獎項,透過它可發掘許多未曾聽聞的好作品、新聲音(2012最佳歌曲得主Tess Henley即入圍SoulTracks網站2013年度最佳女歌手)。值得一提,去年有張亞洲臉孔一舉入圍最佳節奏藍調/靈魂歌曲、最佳福音歌曲,並在後者成功脫穎而出!

「甜美芬芳」是外界最常拿來形容Sarah Cheng-De Winne(鄭雪梅)的詞彙,連她提供和聲的合作對象、新加坡知名女歌手Corrinne May,都盛讚其饒富磁性的歌喉像巧克力撫慰心靈。此外,自幼一方面經父母栽培,二來於合唱團、唱詩班汲取養分,青少年時期又參加爵士樂團,甚至後來的戲劇演出、聲樂訓練皆造就現今唱作俱佳的才華。

2010年同時投入舞台劇和各地表演的她,趁空發表出道EP《Let's Pretend》,接著籌備兩載產出首張專輯《Brand New》,隔年憑〈Diagonal Rain〉、〈Love-Shape Void〉榮受IMAs青睞,並以墾丁春吶作為踏出家鄉的第一站、展開巡迴演唱(包含至大小型地方教堂獻聲公益)。期間延續把創作翻成中文版本的志趣,精選六首重新錄製,計劃2014發行成品《要你的愛》,讓更多聽眾觸及她的魅力。

Urban Union有幸於2月12日河岸留言正式開唱前,搶先帶領大家深入認識Sarah Cheng-De Winne(下文簡稱UU、SCDW):


Citing Stevie Wonder, John Legend, Anita Baker, Alicia Keys and other R&B/Soul artists as musical influence, what do you think about R&B/Soul music? Which R&B/Soul song or album are you fond of the most?

SCDW:節奏藍調與靈魂樂坐落於爵士與流行樂之間,標誌爵士和弦合聲進行的特色,結構、旋律又比流行歌曲更具層次。史提夫汪達的〈Until You Come Back to Me〉有種魔力使我難以忘懷、不斷在腦中哼唱。

R&B/Soul music sits right in the middle of jazz AND pop! I love how it accommodates chord relationships of jazz, but is often more structured and melodic the way pop songs are. This might be a surprising choice, but I love Stevie Wonder's "Until You Come Back to Me (That's What I'm Gonna Do)." There's something about the song that keeps me singing it over and over again in my head.

UU:〈Diagonal Rain〉獲提名IMAs最佳節奏藍調/靈魂歌曲,妳認同它是整張專輯最能體現節奏藍調與靈魂樂精髓的曲子嗎?

"Diagonal Rain" was nominated for the 12th Annual Independent Music Awards in R&B/Soul Song category. Would you agree with that "Diagonal Rain" is the most R&B/Soul piece on your new album? If not, which one will be your choice?

SCDW:事實上我全部創作皆有節奏藍調與靈魂樂的影子,單就編曲而言〈Diagonal Rain〉確實最突出(如福音的拍手元素)。

R&B/Soul influences actually feature very strongly in all my songwriting, but "Diagonal Rain" is the stand out track if you ask about which would be the most R&B/Soul arrangement.

UU:妳的EP《Let's Pretend》融合節奏藍調、靈魂與爵士樂,正規專輯《Brand New》則注入不少流行節拍,是什麼原因導致音樂上的改變?

Let’s Pretend, your first EP, shows a mixture of R&B/Soul and Jazz, while latest full-length album Brand New seems to reveal more mainstream Pop and radio-friendly trends. Why was the change in music direction?

SCDW:藝術家藉由不同方式、管道表達人生各階段的蛻變。《Let's Pretend》反映醞釀EP當時(2009~2010)聆聽的音樂類型,亦展示我揮灑藝術感、爵士風情的一面。不過2010即開始嘗試新的創作方向,《Brand New》便為琢磨兩年的寫照,記錄著成長軌跡。其實兩者都奠基於節奏藍調與靈魂樂,只是EP流露較多爵士況味、專輯更常使用流行曲式。

打造《Brand New》時,我對音樂也有所改觀。以往認為音樂彷彿投射自我的純粹藝術,現在相信它兼具影響人心的強大力量。因此希望經由遠播音樂,盡力傳達給人正面意念。

Artists have the need to express our personalities in different ways depending on where we are in life. My first release, Let's Pretend, reflects a great deal of the music I was listening to during the 2009-2010 incubation period, and was meant to express a very artistic, jazzy side of me. However, I was already starting to explore different songwriting styles even in 2010, and the two years leading up to my full-length album Brand New was a time of growth where I was working hard to improve my songwriting skills. I feel that both releases have Soul/R&B influences, just that one is expressed in a more jazz style, and the other with more pop structures in mind.

My philosophy towards music has also changed. I used to believe that music was like art, for self-expression. Now I believe that music also has such an immense power to positively influence others. My vision is to have my music heard by as many people as possible around the world, so that I can be a channel of God's blessing.


Being a former professional DJ, having rich music knowledge and background, please introduce some local Singapore R&B/Soul singers or groups to us.

SCDW:在眾多新加坡藝人中,務必關注Charlie Lim,他帶點民謠的靈魂風格驚為天人。

There are lots of amazing artists from Singapore. Please check out Charlie Lim (www.charlielim.net), who has an amazing folk-soul sound.


You covered six tracks on your album into Chinese Version and made them a new EP. Was anything difficult happened to you when doing this conversion?



I studied Mandarin in school and even took Higher Chinese (advanced level), so speaking Mandarin isn't a problem - but singing it is definitely different because you have to emote and convey a message.

I write my songs like parables, so on the surface there is a clear meaning that relates to everyday relationships. However, on a deeper level, they have deeper spiritual meanings that reflect my relationship with God. So the challenge was to find a Chinese lyricist who could create the same effect with the Chinese versions of the 4 more songs in addition to the 2 songs that I had already worked on with Brand New's release. I finally had the amazing opportunity to work with Zhang Si'er, who has worked with the likes of JJ Lin and other Chinese pop artists. It was a very humbling and eye-opening experience, and I would love to collaborate with him again on my next project, which would be a bilingual EP of brand new songs.


Why did you choose Kenting Spring Scream festival as your first stop to kick off Brand New tour overseas? Did Taiwan mean anything special to you?


It was a great festival appearance, and I heard much about the festival from other Singaporean artists who had been before. I also have a god-brother and his family who stays in Kaohsiung, and he really helped with the logistics of getting to Kenting!


Except last performance in April, have you ever been to Taiwan before? How did you feel toward Taiwan and what did you experience?


I had previously only been in Taiwan on a stopover, so it was my first real time in Taiwan! I really like Taiwan and how the people are so warm. It's a relatively clean and efficient city; food and transport are good and cheap. My Taiwanese friend took the time to introduce me to Zhongxiao Dunhua's shops, brought me to a Night Market (where we had delicious foods), and then to the 24h Chen Ping Bookstore!


What else do you want to talk to fans and audiences in Taiwan?


Taiwanese are so responsive and appreciative - really really sweet people! Since I was in Taipei almost a year ago, I knew I wanted to make an effort to come back with something that audiences would be able to connect with. So I'm really excited to have the opportunity to share my Chinese EP "要你的愛" with a live show at 河岸留言-音樂藝文咖啡 on Feb. 12! To my fans and audience in Taiwan, thank you for your support and I hope to see you there. :)

演出資訊:2/12(三)22:00 @ 河岸留言公館店(購票網址

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