本週歌單會拆成兩份,並且微增加至20首歌,首先送上女聲部份,其中知名製作人Rico Love提攜的TXS、來自倫敦的Amber Olivier,以及紐約實力才女Oya Noire皆釋出個人首張專輯/EP,全都值得仔細品嚐,絕對不會失望。
1. Kara Marni - Curve
2. Marieme Diop - Be the Change (The Shelter)
3. Clara Kent - Souled
4. Tayá - Skin ft. Lotto Boyzz
5. Kamasean - Never There 印尼選秀節目出身
6. Skye Verbs - The Depth
7. Beau'joli (Beau Joli Andrews) - Timeless to Me
8. Tree - Fairytales
9. Deslynn Malotana - Black Love ft. Andy Mkosi
10. Tiffanie Cross - Simple Love
11. Bobbi Storm & Alexander Noir - Feelings 嗓音讓人想起Chrisette Michele
12. Lydia Kitto - You Are
13. Jazmyn Alexis - Love My Flowers
14. Essy - Don't Hurt
15. Ashley Sorrell - Designer
16. Amber Olivier - One Unread 另外〈Can't Trust〉有幾分Aayliah味道
17. Vanessa Renee Jordan - For We
18. Oya Noire - Henny & Coke
19. TXS - Destroyed
20. Simone Townsend - Running
Casino Las Vegas, NV - Mapyro
回覆刪除A Casino Las 군포 출장안마 Vegas, NV 김제 출장안마 Casino Map of hotels and other facilities located near Casino Las Vegas Hotel, 남원 출장샵 Las Vegas, NV. 화성 출장샵 Map of Casino Las Vegas Hotel, Casino in Las Vegas. 아산 출장샵